The Beynac diversion project (Dordogne) was canceled by the Council of State a year later. It was definitively buried in 2022 by the Administrative Court of Appeal (CAA) of Bordeaux.

But failing to have noted the start of demolition work, in particular of the bridge piers, the CAA had sentenced the department to 489,000 euros in fines in July 2023. This Tuesday, April 16, the Court again ordered the community to pay 1.433 million euros for having started the restoration late and very partially. "A colossal waste of public funds for a useless project," scoffs Philippe d'Eaubonne, president of the ASVD (Association Save the Dordognes Valley). The total penalties now amount to nearly 2 million euros, while the work already underway and its demolition are estimated at 40 million. And that the new” bypass project, submitted in 2023, will be successful.