Our body has up to four million sweat glands, and which part of the body sweats particularly heavily varies from person to person. Some people sweat more under their armpits, others sweat more on their buttocks.

There are countless tips circulating online that are supposed to be effective against sweating on the bottom. Even apparently slim people can have a high body fat percentage. Sage has been used as a medicinal plant for a long time. Among other things, it can reduce body fat by up to 40 per cent. It can also help to reduce the number of times a day a person has to wash their hands. It is also a good idea to wash your hands after using a deodorant or other detergent to remove the sweat. It's better to wash them after every use, rather than just once or twice a week, as this reduces the amount of sweat that is left on the body. It also helps to wash the hands after each use, so that the sweat doesn't accumulate on the skin.