Current prices for Catedral, Chapelco, Las Leas, Castor, and La Hoya. Prices increased by up to 300% compared to last winter's rate.

Most rates are valid until April or early May. For minors, this pass costs $463,200. For children between 6 and 11 years old, it costs $630,900. For a family of four - two older and two younger - for a 5-day or 7-day ski combo, the pass and the keycard costs $758,100. For now, the ski resorts are in a pre-sale period. The start of the 2024 winter season is still missing, but ski centers have already launched the pre-sales. The price is available at travel agencies or through the mountain's official website, where you have the option of making a purchase for a five-day pass or a seven-day combo. The pre-sale of the day pass is $115,000 for a person.