It is possible to optimize your physical fitness despite an overbooked schedule and a possible lack of motivation. A few daily tips help you stay in shape when you don't have time to exercise.

Choose stairs over elevators on a daily basis, walking over public transport, even if it means getting off two stops before your destination or parking further away. To be effective, brisk walking must last between 40 and 45 minutes. To build muscle without looking at anything, include small exercises in your daily life to stay toned without even realizing it. To maintain your fitness, always hydrate yourself well and encourage varied and balanced meals. But when it comes to snacking, opt for fresh fruit, dried fruit, and oilseeds (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, etc.) rather than chocolate treats. The most motivated can opt for an intensive walk, either on the way back from the office or in a park on the weekend. The National Observatory of Physical Activity and Sedentary Life recommends taking 6,000 steps per day.