Amsalem ben Shoshan of Kiryat Shmona has become the presenter of the evacuees. She raised the cry of those whose short-term apartment owners want to throw them out before Passover.

"We don't want them thrown out on the street," she burst into tears. "I am ashamed to look my children in the eyes after what they have been through," she said. "Consider it a mitzvah of Kamcha de Pescha for me to say this," she wrote to the Minister of Finance. "There are hungry evacuees per day," she told the Economic Committee. "You have to understand our plight; we are not tourists with a trolley that can go from room to room, she added. "This child has already been through three kindergartens. Does it make sense to anyone that I move him to another kindergarten? I am ashamed," said the single mother of a 10-year-old and a five-year-old. The management of the apartments turned on them and took advantage of them, D wrote candidly. "This is not only an ugly combination on the backs of evacuees who are at a low point, but a failure to tell the truth at best and at worst. An act that may end up in the interrogation rooms," he wrote. "There are small combines, with a little sting for those who stand in your way. "And now for the main thing. Let's talk about the combine, the most Israeli word there is, which has become part of the DNA of those who want to survive in our crazy reality. 'The combine harms more people, or exploits weak populations to make a profit at their expense, it walks the fine line between what is forbidden and what is allowed.'